SAM 4 2024

10 | SAM MAGAZINE 4/24 KUNNIAKONSULIT 1. Kuka olet, ja miten sinusta tuli kunniakonsuli? 2. Millainen alueesi suomalaisyhteisö on kooltaan ja luonteeltaan? 3. Mitkä ovat suurimmat haasteet, joita kohtaat konsulina omalla alueellasi? KULTTUURINEN JA TIETEELLINEN YHTEISTYÖ 4. Millaisia yhteistyömahdollisuuksia sinulla on paikallisten viranomaisten ja organisaatioiden kanssa? Onko alueellasi suomalaisia tai suomalaistaustaisia organisaatioita? 5. Millainen rooli kunniakonsulin toimistollasi on opiskelija- ja vaihto-ohjelmien tukemisessa? SUOMALAISYHTEISÖ YHDYSVALLOISSA 6. Miten hyvin suomen kieli ja kulttuuri ovat säilyneet alueellasi? 7. Miten alueesi suomalaisyhteisö on muuttunut vuosien varrella? 8. Millä tavoin alueesi eroaa muista Yhdysvaltojen alueista suomalaisen yhteisön tai taloudellisten mahdollisuuksien suhteen? POLITIIKKA JA KANSAINVÄLINEN YHTEISTYÖ 9. Mitkä ovat suurimmat mahdollisuudet Suomen ja Yhdysvaltojen väliseen yhteistyöhön liittyen juuri sinun alueellasi? 10. Mitä erityistä suomalaisyritysten pitäisi ottaa huomioon, jos he suunnittelevat toimintansa laajentamista Yhdysvaltoihin ja sinun alueellesi? 10 kysymystä kunniakonsuleille elected to the Board of Trustees of Finlandia Foundation National and am excited to continue serving Finland and Finnish America through another lens. 2Minnesota has a large and active Finnish/Finnish-American population with about 100,000 people of Finnish heritage. While most of the people identify as Americans of Finnish heritage, we have a significant number of Finnish expatriates and immigrants as well. Those arriving in more recent years are usually either professionals and highly skilled employees or people with close family ties to Minnesota. Because we have a significant population of Finnish-Americans and Finnish citizens in Minnesota, I receive regular communications from Finnish citizens with questions about passports, certifications needed for administrative matters, inquiries about voting in Finnish elections, and immigration. There are numerous opportunities to participate in and support Finnish cultural activities as well. 3My jurisdiction covers the southern half of the State of Minnesota and the entire State of South Dakota. This means that I have constituents who are in large cities (i.e., Minneapolis and St. Paul) as well as people who live in rural areas. The major challenges include ensuring that constituents in rural areas are aware of and receive services equivalent to those in larger urban areas and addressing the needs of minority populations who may not have Finnish or English as their first language. The Finnish Foreign Ministry has been incredibly helpful in providing advice and services needed for all constituents, regardless of their home location and language needs. 4As an Honorary Consul, I have numerous opportunities to collaborate with local authorities and organizations. The State of Minnesota offers multiple ways to interact with State authorities through the Minnesota Trade Office (MTO). Colleges and universities such as the University of Minnesota often collaborate with Finnish universities and research organizations on numerous issues. There are also numerous Finnish and Finnish-based organizations such as the Finnish Language Camp, FinnFest (annual festival celebrating Finland and Finnish America), Finnish-American Chamber of Commerce – Minnesota, Suomi-koulu, the Finland 100 Choir, The Finnish Geneology Group in my area. Each organization plays a unique role in the community and offers opportunities for engagement. 5Minnesota colleges and universities are well-versed and skilled in managing international student and exchange programs. I have received inquiries concerning student visas and exchange programs for individuals going to Finland. I provide initial information and referrals to schools and/or the Finnish Embassy or New York Consulate as necessary. We are fortunate to have a number of Finnish students studying at Minnesota colleges and universities. When there are local activities of relevance or interest